
Here We Go...

I should begin by saying that my expectations as far as readership for this blog are very low. I expect perhaps the casual glance from family or friends and that's about it. My reason for starting this blog is simply to have a creative outlet through which to release my thoughts and feelings on the world of film, music, and pretty much anything else that strikes me. I've been mulling some ideas over and have decided on a few things that I think could establish themselves as regular features on this blog. They are as follows:
  • Live Blog - Not entirely live, of course, but a running blog kept as I watch a movie that would include general thoughts, technical notes, things that I like, things that I didn't like, favorite quotes, music, etc.
  • Remembrances - Thoughts about movies that made a strong impression on me in the past (Whether they be good or bad) consisting mostly of a general review.
  • Instant Analysis - Reviews of movies written immediately after watching them.
  • Icons - Brief cinematography and analysis of my favorite actors and actresses.
  • Song of the Day - If it's not apparent, whatever song I am obsessing about that day. I will try to have a Song of the Day for every post.
Please feel free to share thoughts, ideas, and criticisms as they are much appreciated.

So, thank you for reading and I hope you continue to do so. As my title states... here we go.

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