
Song of the Day: "Steadier Footing" by Death Cab for Cutie

Song of the Day: "Steadier Footing" by Death Cab for Cutie

"I let you bum a smoke, you quit this winter past
I've tried twice before, but like this, it just will not last"

This song serves as a sort of intro track to the fantastic third effort from Death Cab for Cutie, "The Photo Album." It's quite short at only 1:48, it's very simple, and very likable. As is the case with many of my favorite songs, it reminds me of good times from my past. The song so accurately describes what a late night post-party one on one conversation is like. The realization that one of the last people there is someone that used to be close to you and, just for a moment, being close to them again as if nothing had ever changes is a rare but familiar occurence. Those intimate personal connections are something that I would imagine everyone craves in an increasingly impersonal world. But as Ben Gibbard sings, "It just will not last." Those little sweet moments in life disappear far too quickly, and this song reminds me to hold on to them, or better yet, hold on to the people that are close to me so all my little moments in life can be sweet.

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